Personal Project Update
02 May 2020All the datums
After getting some posts in at my RPG section, I was feeling motivated to continue working on my data set for my 5E Deities project. I finished adding names, ability scores, divine rank, domains, and tags for each deity for the Egyption Mythos from 1E Deities & Demigods. I then added all the above to Finnish, Greek, and Indian pantheons in my data set, and I touched up the Native American (American Indian) and Melnibonean files that are all but complete. That leaves five more pantheons to add to my data set for basic info and ability scores for each deity.
It is taking quite a bit of copypasta, but I am listening to my favorite Latin pop and rock playlists on Spotify, so all that mindless copy and paste isn’t too bothersome. When it comes to data, first you have to capture and clean it all, and then make sure it is all structured the way that you need it. I am glad to be moving forward on this.
Once I get these files set for these data points, then I can start to build my database collection of processed statistics. Having that starter data set will allow me to write some functions to generate different aspects of a deity stat block automatically. I will also be able to get some data visualizations together to show the aggregate data.
The next few data points should go quicker, since I am scoping them into smaller sprints.
I started working formally with classic algorithms taught in college Computer Science curricula. Aside from practicing writing algorithms at Leetcode, I felt like it would be nice to get some practice with the more academic approach to CS. I am not going to reshape myself into a computer scientist between now and the next job that I get, but I can make the interview go a little more smoothly.
I have been working mostly with some of the more basic challenges, but these do not seem to be too far from the two coding assessments that I have already taken. I assume that the interview process will have more complexity after moving past the assessment tests in terms of challenges if there are whiteboard exercises to solve. I will be sure to take on more intermediate and advanced practice problems, but I want to build up my speed effectively. I will start timing myself this week, with a goal to solve these problems in 30 minutes or less for each one. If I am consistently solving them in under 30 minutes, I will lower the time limit that I give myself.
Sticking to the plan
It has been pretty challenging to stick to my study plan, as I tend to start working on something and then get really into it. Whether it’s coding challenges, formal study, or my personal project, it seems that once I get going, I lose track of time. It is also important to take breaks, so I will start using the pomodoro technique again tomorrow to reinforce my plan.
That’s pretty much it for the day!