Interview Prep
12 Apr 2020It’s Free, and I Have Time!
Today I went through the Regular Expressions portion of the JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures Certification at freeCodeCamp. It was pretty fun, and not too challenging after all the time I spent working with Owl DiBlassio’s RegEx file for conditional ABBYY layouts. There were two places that I needed to pause and work through my solutions carefully: lookaheads and reusing capture groups.After I wrapped that up, I jumped ahead to Basic Algorithm Scripting.
I have gone through a third of Basic Algorithm Scripting, and have been going slow-ish. My process has been to solve each problem, document for my Grimoire, and then look up alternate solutions. This is useful, but I am not sure that I will be able to get all of the algorithm problems done for Basic and Intermediate and still hit Object Orienting Programming. I knew I wouldn’t be able to do it all this weekend, but I was hopeful that I could get through Basic Algorithms by the end of the day today.
Okay, I Don’t Have All the time
The reason behind pushing through all of this is because I have an interview pre-screen code challenge in a couple of days. I know that it is probably not going to be super hard, but then again, I have never done anything like this. It’s best to just cover the basics well and thoroughly, I think. I don’t like writing loops, even though that is a basic skill. I prefer using the .forEach() method to iterate. However: basics.
So, within the allotted time, I will hammer home loops, recursion, and array methods as much as possible. That seems to be where most of the solutions to these problems live.
Maybe I’ll have more to report tomorrow. Anyway, may the force be with me…