31 Mar 2019Fonts, Fonts, Everywhere
I have made my first attempt at syling the site with new fonts. I am going for a cross between D&D homebrew excitement and all that it entails with some sort of small press feel. I always wanted to use Jeff Lee’s JSL Ancient in a project, but I don’t think it’s legible enough for the web. I did want to capture the feel of an old printing press letter set, so I went to Google Fonts and got something somewhat akin to that. I am using the IM Fell group of fonts to flesh out the bulk of the text on this site.
I found it tough to find a font that captured the bold feel of the Modesto Bold font that WOTC uses for the titles of the fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons books. In the end, I went with Metal Mania, becuase it seems to fit the feel of a home campaign and all of the excitement that a DM tries to generate.
I want to add a font that feel like handwriting, and I have selected one for descriptive text, but it would be nice to get more of a home-made feel into this site.
I think I will need to play around a bit more, but I’m at a good starting point.