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Topic: Splice Array Into Another JavaScript


Technologies: JavaScript

Subject: Algorithms

Use Case:

working with arrays

First Principles:

  • splice() returns a new array with spliced values, and modifies the original array
  • splice() can be used to start at an index and remove n number of elements
  • splice() can be used to add elements to replace elements that were removed, or simply to add elements starting at an index

    using .splice() and .forEach() methods

    const frankenSplice = (arr1, arr2, n) => {
    let cloneArr1 = [...arr1];
    let cloneArr2 = [...arr2];
    cloneArr1.forEach((elem, idx) => cloneArr2.splice(n + idx, 0, elem));
    return cloneArr2;

Why I had to learn this

I am currently working through JavaScript Data Structures and Algorithms certification