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Topic: Confirm Ending with JavaScript


Technologies: JavaScript

Subject: Algorithms

Use Case:

evaluating strings

First Principles:

Using .slice() method

const confirmEnding = (str, target) => {
  const cloneStr = str;
  const numFinals = target.length;
  const strFinals = cloneStr.slice(str.length - numFinals);

  return strFinals === target;

Using .substring() method

const confirmEnding = (str, target) => {
	const cloneStr = str;
  const numFinals = target.length;
	const strFinals = cloneStr.substring(str.length - numFinals);

  return strFinals === target;

Using .substr() method

const confirmEnding = (str, target) => {
	const cloneStr = str;
  const numFinals = target.length;
	const strFinals = cloneStr.substr(str.length - numFinals, numFinals);

  return strFinals === target;

Using .endsWith() method

const confirmEnding = (str, target) => {
	const cloneStr = str;

  return cloneStr.endsWith(target);

Why I had to learn this

I am currently working through JavaScript Data Structures and Algorithms certification